Tainted Love in Cuenca

I wanted to love you. I wanted you to be like people said you would. I was tired of running around and ready for a relationship. You introduced me around town and fed me well. Your tranquility was comforting and at night your face lit up when I went downtown. You seduced me with your … Continued

November Update: Penetrating Peru

After a month in Ecuador, I was ready to take my relationship with South America to the next level and head south to Peru. Sunny beaches and Peruvian cuisine were what I desired most and I jumped into both with reckless abandonment. A wicked sunburn and traveler’s diarrhea were the inevitable conclusion. After moderating my sun … Continued

FOTO FRIDAY: El Cajas National Park

This week’s Foto Friday is brought to you by El Cajas National Park and T2T Travel Tip #123: You can’t win them all. Located 30 km west of Cuenca, Ecuador, El Cajas National Park is known for it’s 270 lakes and lagoons scattered throughout the 285 square kilometer  (177 sq. miles). El Cajas is supposed … Continued

FOTO FRIDAY: Devouring Guinea Pig (Cuy)

Cuenca was the final stop on my Ecuador adventure and I had yet to experience the most famous of Ecuadorian cuisine, the guinea pig or cuy. I had the opportunity to taste these little bastards on numerous occasions from street stalls and restaurants around Ecuador but had managed to dodge them until this point. On … Continued

October Update: Back in Action!

October is the month that started it all the first time around and now, 2 years deeper, it’s the month that brought me back to South America for a brand new T2T mission. The first day of the month began with an incredible celebration at one of my best friend’s weddings in Upstate New York. … Continued

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