While sunburning my way through Northern Peru, I had the opportunity to stop by the famous archaeological site of Chan Chan located just a few miles outside the city of Trujillo. Built by the kingdom of Chimú around 850 AD, Chan Chan was the largest Pre-Columbian city in South America before being conquered by the … Continued

FOTO FRIDAY: View from the Bell Tower

On my last day in Huanchaco, Peru I decided to take my typical sunset stroll around town to snap some picks and enjoy the cool evening breeze. There was a small church that sat back above the city, so I cruised up to get a better view of the ocean below. I was walking around … Continued

November Update: Penetrating Peru

After a month in Ecuador, I was ready to take my relationship with South America to the next level and head south to Peru. Sunny beaches and Peruvian cuisine were what I desired most and I jumped into both with reckless abandonment. A wicked sunburn and traveler’s diarrhea were the inevitable conclusion. After moderating my sun … Continued

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