What Brings People Together?

Friends and family will come together regardless of what they’re doing. But, I was wondering this morning after a great evening with perfect strangers. What else brings people together? How can complete strangers bond, even beyond the barriers of language, ethinicity, or nationality. This is what I came up with so far… Drinking: Be it … Continued

The Soccer Project

Pelada from Rebekah Fergusson on Vimeo. [I suggest full screen] Although as an American, I can’t truly understand the connection futbol has with the people and culture of Argentina just yet, I think it goes without saying that’s its HUGE (Fuccillo voice)! After living in London for awhile and now here in Buenos Aires, I’m … Continued

Top 10 Reasons Why I Choose Buenos Aires

Why Buenos Aires? Wonderful Question… the simple answer is, I have no idea, Buenos Aires just popped in my head one day and wouldn’t get out. I saw Buenos Aires on the cover of Yahoo’s homepage during a time when I was thinking about branching out from work. After this I started seeing Buenos Aires … Continued

Questions I hope to answer in Argentina

Questions I Hope To Answer in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Can I submerge myself into a foreign culture and be looked at as one of their own? Can I adapt to a culture without loosing a sense of self? How does my butt look in those tight tango pants? Will I always be known as a … Continued

Inspiration: Fabian Perez

Fabian Perez is an amazing Artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I walked into a gallery last week in La Jolla, California that featured his art and it immediately made me think about the omens pointing me towards Buenos Aires. His work is exactly what I imagine the atmosphere, women and nightlife to be like in Buenos Aires. Everything … Continued

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