A WTF Moment

Have you ever had one of those times where all of a sudden you snap out of being in the moment and look at a situation and say “What the F** am I doing here?” Like your doing something really stupid or just in a really awkward situation. Well for me, it used to happen a lot, … Continued

January is Sponsored by H2oh!

  H2oh! is an amazing beverage that is more than just water. It’s the Crystal of sparking flavored water. Lemon-lime is literally a Citrus Explosion in your mouth, while the Apple flavor is like running through an orchard while hundreds of beautiful models throw apples at you! So, drink some today and let’s all make … Continued

Feliz Navidad from Tourist2Townie.com

When you have the best friends and family in the world it’s tough not seeing them for such a long time. I’ve been doing well with work and travel and about being gone… until today. I didn’t have an x-mas stocking at the end of my bed this morning or a sister to wake up or … Continued

Celebrating the Polo Victory w. La Dolfina

Argentina is home to the greatest Polo players (and teams) in the world. So, when we had the opportunity to see the championship game of the sport’s biggest tournament right here in Buenos Aires, we jumped on it. The final of the Argentine Open was between Ellerstina and La Dolfina. It was the prodigy vs. the legend – Facundo … Continued

T2T Pre-Departure Videos!

Check out the pre-departure interview videos if you haven’t already seen them. I went around before I left and asked some friends and family 3 questions that I thought would be helpful along the way. Turns out my friends watch a lot of TV, a lot of people don’t know Buenos Aires is a city (not … Continued

T2T Strategic Packing

I packed all this stuff into my new case logic bag (minus the other 2 bags). This bag is sick. Some essentials: Mac Book Pro, iPod, Flip Camera, 2 External Hard drives, Spanish dictionary, composition notebooks and chewing gum (not pictured). For me, clothing wise, t-shirts and sweaters/sweatshirts take up the bulk of my luggage. So, … Continued

Top 10 Reasons Why I Choose Buenos Aires

Why Buenos Aires? Wonderful Question… the simple answer is, I have no idea, Buenos Aires just popped in my head one day and wouldn’t get out. I saw Buenos Aires on the cover of Yahoo’s homepage during a time when I was thinking about branching out from work. After this I started seeing Buenos Aires … Continued

Questions I hope to answer in Argentina

Questions I Hope To Answer in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Can I submerge myself into a foreign culture and be looked at as one of their own? Can I adapt to a culture without loosing a sense of self? How does my butt look in those tight tango pants? Will I always be known as a … Continued

The Tourist2Townie.com Experience

This space will serve as a platform to share my work and travel experiences with anyone and everyone who wants to tune in over the next year and beyond. Hopefully this site will educate, entertain and inspire others about work and travel abroad, long term travel and the idea that you can live your dreams if you … Continued

Why Buenos Aires? Omens Baby!

Everyone always asks me; “so how did you settle on Buenos Aires?” And my semi-serious response is always… “Omens!” Seriously though, since I started thinking about the trip to Argentina I’ve seen signs everywhere that seemed to point me to Argentina and Buenos Aires (BA). As weird as it may be, almost everyday since mid-July … Continued

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