Skype Talk

As of October 1st I am turning off my cell phone until I return to the states. I’ve signed up for Skype and threw $10 in the account. I transfered all my contacts from my phone to my Skype account so I can call anyone in the world from my computer and Skype will just deduct the cost … Continued

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

Check the ISIC website to see if you are eligible to get a International Student Identity Card (ISIC). They’re great for travel discounts, food and many tourist destinations. I got mine a few years back when I studied abroad in London. hopefully I can get some sweet deals with this puppy again as I take off … Continued

VISA INFORMATION & “Proof of Departure”

My biggest concern over the last few weeks has been actually passing customs and getting into Argentina (legally). Argentina is relatively liberal towards American tourists but there are still rules and regulations that I need to be aware of before the trip. Because I only purchased a one-way ticket into Buenos Aires I’m afraid they … Continued

Shots Needed For South America

I am trying to figure out what shots I need to go into South America, in particular Argentina. I’m guessing I don’t need anything to wild because Buenos Aires is such a big city, but if I travel elsewhere (which I plan to do) I will need to be on top of my game. Here … Continued

Choosing a Hostel in Buenos Aires

I decided to book a hostel in Buenos Aires for the first few days in Buenos Aires so I can search for apartments, meet potential roommates and jump on the beds before I move in. I put together a Buenos Aires hostel checklist and read a bunch of reviews from hostels in Buenos Aires from … Continued

STA Travel Insurance

STA Travel is the ultimate in student travel information and services. I used them a lot when I studied abroad in London and they came through again with affordable travel insurance for my trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although Let’s Go Buenos Aires said all Argentina health care is free (even to tourists) I want to make … Continued

Top 10 Reasons Why I Choose Buenos Aires

Why Buenos Aires? Wonderful Question… the simple answer is, I have no idea, Buenos Aires just popped in my head one day and wouldn’t get out. I saw Buenos Aires on the cover of Yahoo’s homepage during a time when I was thinking about branching out from work. After this I started seeing Buenos Aires … Continued

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